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How to Arrange Online Events for the Closeted LGBTQ Members?

Online Events for LGBTQ

How to arrange safe online events for the LGBTQ community. That question strikes my mind when one of my clients asked me the same question. Actually, she was a closeted lesbian in a very prominent social position. Despite that, she wanted to be in a society where she would be comfortable in herself. Yes, socialization is a very basic need, and that need should not be avoided. Since mental health-related issues are rampant among the LGBTQ community, and, I have noticed loneliness is one of the basic reasons behind that. I have created a group on Facebook to provide free counseling sessions to queer people.

So far, a large number of the community members are closeted individuals who are not prepared to come out yet, fearing it might put their lives and livelihood in jeopardy. Though I am not surprised about their life choice. However, when a few persons asked me to act as a matchmaker. Initially, I was annoyed, because that was not my objective; but, I couldn’t deny the fact that it is also a part of our basic needs. And if loneliness is the reason behind their depression, then I believe any amount of counseling would not change things even a bit.

1. Begin With Online Meetup Events:

Initially, I advised people to join various social events organized by prominent LGBTQ NGOs. I had this idea that the best place to interact with someone from the community (even get hitched) would be at one of these events. However, this was a problem for closeted members of the community. Visiting any widely publicized public event can harm their personal and professional lives because of the same rampant homophobia I mentioned earlier. Meanwhile, everyone of us have every right to be around like-minded people.

Instead of the in-person meetups, we will start our ice-breaking sessions via online  events. The specialty of these meetup events would be the right to anonymity. Therefore, when applying for these events on our site then you can hide your real identities. You can use our platform, without compromising your privacy. 

These events are designed to know each other in the safest environment. Let’s break the ice first. Meet people you want to be with and then decide the next course of action. From here you can move to your private chat section and let’s proceed further.

2. Freedom To Anonymity During Online Events:

It is difficult to accumulate the necessary courage you need to fight against a social menace like homophobia. Throughout human history, the eradication of social taboos has always remained a gradual process. Therefore, the entire LGBTQ community cannot just surface in public one fine morning and expect a rainbow colored society. It will take many more years and relevant support from society.

Yes, you can hide your real identity during these online events. You can choose to participate in multiple online events. You will be encouraged to not disclose sensitive personal information to a stranger instantly online. It should be a slow process of knowing each other first. Sharing personal photos in compromising positions is a strict no-no. In fact, I believe that should not be done at any stage of the relationship because these images can serve as a boomerang if a relationship falls apart.

3. Indoor Events and Outdoor Activities:

Since we are inherently social animals, a sense of community is another basic need for all of us. LGBTQ people ought to have a community space where they don’t have to pretend to be something juxtaposed with their original character. 

Organizing regular indoor meetup sessions and outdoor activities could be great ways for socializing and arranging such events regularly can become great stress-busters for us! We will be arranging both indoor meetups and outdoor activities.

4. Rules for Participation in In-person Events:

Only the registered person would get the details of the event via emails and private chat. Registered group members would not be allowed to bring any unregistered person as companions with them since it can cause discomfort to others. 

Unlike other organized activities, whether indoor or not, displaying indicative banners or promotional materials might grab unwanted curiosity towards the event. We understand this is something a queer person wants to stay away from. Therefore, we would not use any such indicative banners.  Apart from that, the photographs of these events would not get published on any of our social media platforms or on our websites. 

5. Sexual Orientation Is Not Written On Anyone’s Face:

At the end of the day, the truth is this: A person’s sexual orientation is not written on their forehead. Therefore, after all these precautions it would be extremely difficult for someone to exploit any LGBTQ person and blackmail them or others around them. 

Above all, we should have faith in an individual’s own common sense and not ignore their own intuition about another person. Despite all possible challenges, a genuine meetup platform for LGBTQ community members is absolutely inevitable.

Many community members I interacted with asked me how to ensure the confidentiality of closeted group members? “What if someone sneaks into the group,” they wanted to know, “and start blackmailing other group members?” After careful consideration of every possible aspect, I could not deny the need for authentic online events especially dedicated exclusively to closeted LGBTQ community members. There need to be a code of conduct—or golden rules—for developing online events. In Smiling Rainbow, we will be following all those golden rules of the LGBTQ online events

That is why we have created that platform for the member of LGBTQ community. Our initiative is intended for you and only your participation can make it a success. Hence, my request to you all is to please like, share, and comment on our content on every social media platform, and, spread our initiative among your personal network.